Saturday, January 8, 2011

What I have learnt

So I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason. For example a few months ago I saw a psycic who when she was measuring my chakra's (for real) she told me that I was very well grounded and things like having a big house and a nice car and lots of money wasn't that important to me and it was more about loving the people in my life, which I kind of thought was half true, because I mean bitch please who wants to be poor?

Anyway I think now I know what she was on about, when I look back at my time in America the things that I loved doing the most really was hanging out and being around my friends, especially those that I haven't seen in quite a while.

The other stuff that I did like discover the city, go to Central Park and do some Times Square living were all amazing and I loved doing them, but for me my favorite things were hanging out in Alex's appartment with some takeout food and watching America's amazing cable TV, sitting with Sarah in a vegan cafe laughing hysterically about things we have both already forgotten, and generally just spending some one on one time with the people I love, which is generally harder to do when we are all at home, because we are generally in groups.

I'm glad that this is one of the lessons New York has taught me about myself.


  1. oh fuck, i swear this just made me cry. Thank god for our time together watching cable tv in alex's apartment, right?! i miss you! xx

  2. Oh love, I am glad you liked the post. I really did enjoy all our family time together and the TV was freaking amazing, like beyond amazing. Cupcake Wars, that shit is pure genius!!

    Can't wait to see you in May!
