Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New York - Day 1

Day one in New York started very early for me, as the hotel that I was staying in (The Jane) felt that the only way to heat the hotel was to set the heaters to about 1000 degrees, I did have a fan however so that apparently would cool things down a bit.
I was going to meet my friend The Divine Miss Em at Bryant Park and so I thought that best way to get there would be on foot, so I could get to know the city and see what it was actually like under sunlight. The first two things that I saw was snow and rubbish EVERYWHERE! The blizard that had kept me in LA had seriously taken a toll on the city and it showed.

I wasn't blown away with the area that I was staying in as it was just a lot of buildings and streets, but the closer I got to Bryant Park the more I saw the city coming to life and eventually when I was at the Park my view had totally changed. In Bryant Park there is a man made ice skating rink which was adorable to watch while waiting for Em to arrive.

Then Em (who had been in New York for two weeks) became my tour guide and we went around Times Square and Rockerfellar. The most amazing and I think underrated part of this are is a giant Church just across the road from Rockerfellar which you never hear about.

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