Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This is Brussels calling

The next part of my trip takes me to Europe. I haven't been there since my first time in January 2008. I did the usual Australian in Europe thing that time around and tried to fit in as many countries as possible in three weeks, but this time it will be much different. The itinaray for Europe is quite simple, Brussels, Paris, Alicante in Spain and then visiting some of my Italian relatives near Naples and also Ancona.

Now I don't want to alarm anyone but I took an Indian airline from New York to Brussels, (Jet Air) and I have to say that it was kind of amazing. I couldn't really fault it, I even ate the plane food which I have to say was delicious and didn't give me any nasty diraheoa or vommiting which is always a nice thing but does nothing to help the figure, right?

The only downside was the sour faced American bish sitting next to me, who looked like she weighed about 30 kilos and was a hot mess in a good way. When I was looking at her I was like bish why the long face, what's your drama? But then I realised that the reason she was so angry all the time is that she probably hasn't had lunch, ever. It would make me angry all the time too.

Another amazing thing happened, an old Indian woman made one of the air hostesses move her seats because she wanted to be closer to an Indian family and not sitting next to all the white gypsies. Thank god. The next time I have to fly to Brisbane or any other part of Australia infested with Bogans I am going to ask to be seated next to people of my own kind, namely educated, shoe wearing people that still have all their own teeth.

Anyway I get to Brussels and I am feeling amazingly European already. I was a bit hessitant about going through immigration because I thought that there would be another massive wait on as my traumatic experience in LA has scared me for life, but when I got there I walked straight up to the counter showed them my Belgian visa, the guards smiled, shared a joke with me, said something to each other in Dutch and then I was on my merry way to customs.

There were like 7 customs guards all there wearing gloves ready to search and they just waved me through. They actually waved everyone through. They probably realised that there is more than one way to smuggle shiz into Europe now that it basically has no borders so what is the point of searching peoples bags?

Alternatvely they could have also known that the majority of people on the flight were American and that if they stopped people and had to talk to them there was a very high likelyhood that the majority would be American, and really show me a European who actually likes Americans.

And with that I was set free on Brussels, now the only thing left to do was try and navigate my way out of the airport and into the city.

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