Wednesday, January 19, 2011


One of the things that I was most looking forward to doing while in New York was visiting the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) for the first time. I have been a long time fan of the museum and kept up to date with what they had been doing online.

Being the holiday season by the time I arrived it was pretty busy with people everywhere but luckily my friend SARAH had given me one of her works corporate passes so I could skip the queues which was nice. I did however have to go and check in my bag with the militant MoMA bag bitches.

Apparently they won't take your bag if you have a camera, laptop or umbrella, I had a camera in mine but I lied and thankfully didn't have to open my bag to prove it like I saw some other visitors doing, they were pretty full on, but then again anything dealing with security in America sends the American's into a tailspin making them think that everyone is a terrorist, because clearly the first place the Terrorists will strike is MoMA.

Anyway once I was through customs, I mean the cloak room I started my little voyage to descover what the New York modern art scene had to offer me. Some of the works were interesting but none really gave me the wow factor. Instead I found myself being amazed at the people who were visiting, so many young couples all in turtlenecks (literally) bumping into other couples also sporting turtlenecks and discussing the current exhibitions as they have all presumbly majored in post-modern art at NYU. Wankers.

There was one redeeming feature though, MoMA was the first Amercian gallery to buy some of Claude Monet's famous waterlilly paintings. I die for Claude's waterliles series ever since I ssaw it at the National Gallery of Australia as a teenager. The paintings have their own part of MoMA and they are amazing and a real crowd pleaser, even for non turtleneck wearers.

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