Wednesday, January 5, 2011

SARAH reunion!

The main reason I was in New Yok was to see my friend SARAH who has been there since March, being a hot mess in a leading design firm, you know it happens.

So we met in the lobby of my hotel and then went to the restaurant there called Cafe Gitane, which is actually amazing. All the staff have to be a size zero fashion week model but bizarely enough they are all actually really lovely, which unfortuently can not be said for the rest of their countrymen, as service in America is basically unheard of and certainly never seen.

We caught up and had breakfast and I admired all the stuffed animals on the wall, who knew you could stuff and then hang an alligator, but thank god they did.

Then Sarah took me a few streets over and we went to Magnolia bakery and tried their amazing cupcakes. For me the best part was the icing, it was to die for. SARAH was telling me that some people find the icing too sweet sometimes but for me it was ok, mostly because I have a sweet tooth.

Just down the road from Magnolia is Carrie's actual apartment used in Sex and the City and the stoop. So the new bish who owns it has had a breakdown and has banned tourist groups going down the street to take photo's (like how is that even legal) and she has put this butt ugly "no tresspassing sign" across the stoop. Like bitch please you don't own the street, and it's not like people are really going to break into your house in a chance they will get to see Carrie.

Further up the same street this little unasuming yet amazing cafe just seemed to pop up out of the ground, so we had a sneaky cino and admired New Yorkers for being so fashion forward that they can now coordinate their Wellington/snow boots with their ski jackets.



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