It has barely been a few weeks into the new year and already Ma Boo has been busier than a bullemic after an all you can eat buffet at Sizzler. Not only did he welcome in the new year for the world and have to put up with Kathy Griffin molesting him constantly on international television, but he also took the time (or was forced by CNN) to interview Fuckface (Piers) Morgan as apparently the genius' at CNN believe Fuckface is the only one with enough talent to take over from Larry King, now that the great man has entered his thousandth human year.
As always Ma Boo was an astoundingly hot mess and did a great interview, but OMG seriously Fuckface needs to learn how to turn it down and learn some humility. I know that this show was all about him and his life but holy god he made it sound like he invented the art of interviewing and he is une journaliste extrodinaire, which can I say for the record he is not as he used to be the boss of News of the World. NEWS OF THE WORLD people!!!! That should say it all really.
The saving grace of this Fuckface fest was when said Fuckface interviewed Ma Boo and Ma Boo opened up about his personal life which gave me a breakdown of amazing proportions. How I wish Anderson Cooper could just be CNN.
Anyway here is the link to the interview if you want to see some more silver fox action and join me in breakdowns to Ma Boo. MA BOO. A word of warning though, seeing Fuckface on screen for more than a minute may leave you as unimpressed as the bish below.
As always Ma Boo was an astoundingly hot mess and did a great interview, but OMG seriously Fuckface needs to learn how to turn it down and learn some humility. I know that this show was all about him and his life but holy god he made it sound like he invented the art of interviewing and he is une journaliste extrodinaire, which can I say for the record he is not as he used to be the boss of News of the World. NEWS OF THE WORLD people!!!! That should say it all really.
The saving grace of this Fuckface fest was when said Fuckface interviewed Ma Boo and Ma Boo opened up about his personal life which gave me a breakdown of amazing proportions. How I wish Anderson Cooper could just be CNN.
Anyway here is the link to the interview if you want to see some more silver fox action and join me in breakdowns to Ma Boo. MA BOO. A word of warning though, seeing Fuckface on screen for more than a minute may leave you as unimpressed as the bish below.
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