There is a scene in Paris Je t'aime of an American couple having a breakdown about their relationship or something in this huge cemetry, better known as Pere Lachaise Cemetry.
It's in the 20th and a little far out but still on the metro so fine enough to get to. I entered through the main area and started my walk around. It was the middle of the morning and I was really hungry. Earier on I had bought a baguette from my local bakery which makes my mouth orgasm everytime, and I was meant to save it for lunch but instead I got that sucker out as soon as I arrived and started walking amongst all the dead.
It is a bit of a funny place, especially to visit. Like what is the protocol for a cemetry where you don't actually know any of the people personally? Are you meant to take photos because it is a tourist site or will be people be offended? Is it acceptable to eat a foot long chicken baguette while walking through? I am sure we all know the answer to the last question - MOST DEFINENTLY YES!!
This place is huge. And because I was practically feeling as though I was Parisian I thought I wouldn't need a map, how silly I was. I think I got half way and even saw the grave of Jim Morrison, which is bizarely enough surrounded by other graves which you need to almost walk ontop of to get to, it is very odd. At the half way point there is a lovely open area where you can sit, look at the great view and watch the world go by/eat an amazing baguette.
It was weird to see other tourists looking at graves. There just is something not so right about turning a cemetry into a tourist attraction. I was remnded of this fact when as I was leaving there was a grieving family burying one of their family members. It was a private moment for them and they had tourists streaming past them during the service, not so nice. I am glad I went there but never really need to go back.
Being the sensative tourist that I am (aside from the eating) I decided to not take any photos there. BUT thankfully that hasn't stopped other hot messes from doing that and uploading that shiz onto the internets.
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