Saturday, February 19, 2011

Musee d'Orsay - I fucking love you!!!

As I am sure you can gather from my creative title I really like Musee d'Orsay, almost as much as I like taking photographs in parks...almost.

Anyway I totes made a beeline to said Musee as soon as I got to Paris because the first time I went I loved it so much and actually went right after going to the Louvre for the first time and having a breakdown. For me the Musee d'Orsay represents what a fine arts museum should embody. It is easy to access, they limit the ammount of people allowed in at one time so you aren't too crowded and can actually appreciate the art, the art itself is diverse and covers multiple genres without becoming too overwhelming.

Most importantly the building itself has played an important role within the community before becoming a museum serving as a palace and a train station. That gives it character and makes the museum more interesting because you become not only interested in the art that it is showcasing but also fascinated by the building and its own story.

I had recently seen some of its key pieces when they were touring in Canberra as part of the French Masterpieces exhibition which still makes me die, when I think about it. Those paintings are still on tour as the third floor of the museum is being renovated, but it did not matter to me, I still saw some amazing pieces up close like le dejuener sur l'herbre.

Speaking of, when I saw that painting there was a high school group being taught the paintings significance and sketching it. Could you even imagine being a high school student in Paris and just having these types of museums as your locals? My god, you wouldn't have any other option but to graduate being highly cultured.

Another amazing thing happened while I was there, in the cafe when I was ordering my morning coffee and chocolate muffin (because we all know that chocolate in the morning is fine when you are in Paris right?) a Japanese tourist was having a bit of a lost in translation moment with the French waitress who was just plain pissed at him not being able to speak English or French. Anyway I helped him order his coffee and translated from Japanese into French, the first time I had done that. Bitch is well smart.

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