Monday, February 7, 2011

The Louvre - take 2

The first time I was in Pairs I ofcourse went to the Musee d'Louvre and struggled like I imagine the rest of the world does with the ammount of things there is there to see and do. I felt really overwhelmed by it all and in the end I found it frustrating and kind of awful to be in. I didn't get to appreciate any of the art properly and had more of breakdown dealing with all the crowds and navigating myself through the huge place.

My friend who I was travelling with back then did a two hour audio tour (which I turned my nose up at because I wanted to have a truely organic experience and not be led by a machine, WTF was I thinking?) and liked it, so this time I gave the old place another shot but with the assistance of said machine.

As you can imagine I still struggled to navigate my way and use the machine but after a while it became ok and things started to make sense. Out of the four tours you could do I did the two hour tour about the building itself and detailed its art and history when it played host to the imperial court of the Sun Kings and that hot mess Napoleon.

It was actually a really interesting tour and I found out so much about the place that i understood it better leading me to appreciate it more. I loved going through all the apartments of the nobilty as they were and seeing the great frescos and other ways that rooms were deocrated. My absolute favorite though was seeing the rooms where Napoleon would throw banquets and parties for Paris' VIPs. If I ever had a cocktail bar it is exactly what I would want it to be like.

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