Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Liz Hurley has got to be the dumbest hoe around for actually wanting to go anywhere near Shane Warne, who's ability to inflate his own ego and prolongue his career (instead of fucking off the face of the earth) is a modern miracle, don't worry about all that Mary McKillop shiz Pope Benny needs to take a look at what is going on currently in Melbourne.

Bitch flew across the world to spend some time with this mess, perhaps it is to compare hair tips, how to perfect that orange tan, or for Shane to show Liz how to get her teeth whiter than reflex paper (a little tip -  having orange skin to start with helps). Whatever the reason this bish has totes gone down in my books. I just hope that this is Liz trying to cry out for someone to help her as she has clearly sunk to a new all time low in her life, if she thinks that Shane is a good idea.

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