Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do you know where you're going to?

On my final night in Brussels I checked out Bozar - which is an amazing museum as a side bar - and then headed back to the old town to check out the grand place one last time. On my treck down from the museum I saw this girl struggeling to get her barings and control her map against the strong wind, I was about to cross to her side of the road so I thought I would ask her if she needed a hand finding somewhere.

Anyway she was the one to ask me for some help in the end and surprise surprise it turns out that she was trying to find the grand place. So I took her there and we introduced ourselves. Her name is Julietta and she is Brazilian and in Brussels for a week for work, nice life right?

She was ofcourse amazed by the grand place and it was really nice for me to see someones reaction to seeing it for the first time. We ended up having coffee and waffles in a near by cafe which was divine because I hadn't really had many opportunites in the last few days to eat a meal with another person.
At coffee we spoke about each others countires, what is was like to have a Christmas is summer, a bit about Brussels, some Brazilian politics. Julietta explained to me the Portugese influence on Brazil and the struggles that Brazil is facing at the moment not being a first world nation and all. Interestingly enough she told me that Brazilian's always say that Australia was the Brazil that worked. We are both relatively new countries, discovered by European motherlands and have similiar terrain and are both big countries in our regions.

After dinner I took her around the grand place and to see Mr Pis and a few other touristy things, the poor thing only had Sunday night to explore the city because from Monday  - Friday she was working and then flying out on Saturday morning.

It was nice to meet someone new in a totally random way, normally I hate talking to randoms especially people from the street but this one worked out well and I even got a new facebook friend out of it.

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