Friday, December 24, 2010

Pre-trip breakdown

I thought that I had been planning everything pretty well and staying relatively calm with my upcoming trip, boy did it catch up with me today!!

So I was trying to juggle my finances and make sure I could cover everything while I was away etc and I worked out that I would eventually run into some trouble which I couldn't really see a way around, so I did what every gay man would do - got hysterical, panicked and then performed an emotional spiel about my life breakdown to my Mum who said "We will speak about this in the next few days" I took that to mean "OMG how can you be my son, I guess I will have to save the day again!".

God bless mother's for all they do for us.

I am now trying to travel to New York and Europe on a budget, which is a dirt word for me but I have been assured that people travel on budgets all the time and it can happen. In fact I think that will be the theme of my time away, New York and Europe on a shoe string.

Knowing that to make my travel time work and stay within budget I would have to remain positive and do whatever I needed to do to stay on top of my finances and make the best out of this situation. Who knows perhaps it could even teach me something!

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